How Much Does Electrical Services Cost in Malaysia

One of the most common questions that people ask is how much do electrical services cost in Malaysia. Electrical services are a necessary expense for your home or business, and it’s important to hire a local electrician in Malaysia who can provide you with quality services at a fair price.

Electrical Contractor Malaysia

This article will cover the costs associated with hiring an electrician as well as some tips on finding one that meets your needs.

When To Hire a Electrician in Malaysia?

Before we go into the costs of hiring an electrician, it’s important to know when you need to hire one. There are a few different reasons that an electrician might be needed for your home or business, and it’s important to know the difference between them in order to avoid making costly mistakes.

Here are some of the most common times to hire an electrician:

Overloaded Circuit

Overloaded Circuit

This is one of the most common reasons to hire an electrician when you notice that appliances in your home are always working and they aren’t getting any slower, or if lights go off for no reason. There is a problem with overloading circuits which can lead to a fire, so it’s important to get this taken care of as soon as you notice it.

Faulty Wiring or Cords

If lights go out when they are turned on, if certain parts of your property that have power don’t work properly, if there is a strong smell coming from an outlet in the wall, then these are all signs that faulty wiring may be to blame and you should contact an electrician.

Circuit breaker tripping frequently

This may be a sign that you need an electrician, but the problem could also just be with your breaker box. You can check to see if this is the case by turning all appliances off of one circuit at a time and seeing if it trips again. You’ll know if it’s your breaker box by the amount of time it takes to trip. If it trips instantly, then you need an electrician; if not, then you may just have a problem with one appliance.

Breaker Box Needs Upgrades or Updates

If you notice that your home has been rewired and there are new outlets, then this is a sign that your breaker box needs an update. These upgrades are important to make sure everything in the home will be running at its peak efficiency and as safely as possible.

Circuits Aren’t Labeled Properly

If you have more than one circuit going into a room or appliance but they don’t have labels or the labels are confusing, then this is a sign that the electrician who was there needs to come back and fix it. Labeling circuits helps identify which circuit goes into what room or appliance so you can avoid overloading one while another stays completely off.

Add more power points

This is a great way to make your home more efficient and save on power. If you notice that there are rooms in the house or office where people are always running out of charge, then an electrician can install new outlets for those areas so everyone has enough power points when they need them. You can also just add an extension cord to a single power point or install them in the ceiling if you need more.

Remodel Home Wiring and Outlets

Home Wiring

If your house is older than ten years, then it’s likely that some of the wiring has been degraded due to age which can lead to safety issues such as fires. It’s important to get this taken care of when you notice it so that your home is safer.

The Cost of Hiring an Electrician in Malaysia

There are a number of factors that will determine the cost of hiring an electrician from Malaysia such as types of repairs, type of equipment needed, hours spent on the job, and any unforeseen problems.

The average cost for hiring an electrician in Malaysia is RM200 per hour with a minimum charge of two hours. This includes labor as well as parts like wire and fuses which may be necessary to complete all repairs. The total cost will also depend on the size of your home or business. However the price varies from different electrical company or electrician.

electrical works

It’s important to remember that some repairs may be more complicated and take a longer time. If you experience an issue with your electrical system, it’s always better to contact one as soon as possible so the problem doesn’t worsen.

The price should be negotiated based on the service and needs, not just one price. There are many things to consider when hiring an electrician such as how long he will be there for or if they have experience in your specific type of repairs.

Before hiring an electrician in Malaysia you should always ask for references and a quote of the total cost in writing. This will help you decide if the quote is too expensive or if it’s a fair price for the service.


It is important to remember that there are many factors which can affect the cost of hiring an electrician in Malaysia. The price will depend on a number of things such as labor, type of repairs needed, and company or individual you use. Your best bet would be getting several quotes from different companies so you know what your options are before deciding on one.

We hope this article has been helpful in understanding the costs of hiring an electrician and what you should look for when getting quotations.

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