electrical safety for home

5 Tips For Electrical Safety At Rental Homes

Many people rent homes for a variety of reasons. Whether it is to save money, or because they are in between jobs and don’t want to commit themselves yet, rental homes are a viable option. Electrical safety should never be overlooked when renting out your home. In this blog post we will go over 5 tips that will help you make sure the electrical system on your property is safe and sound!

1. Check for exposed wires or electrical outlets

electrical fire

Make sure that there are no exposed wires or electrical outlets in the rental home. Electrical wiring is usually covered with plastic, but if it has been damaged and a wire is sticking out, then call an electrician to repair it before you plug anything into that outlet. This is because a short circuit in the wire may result. You can read more about hiring an electrician here.

Inspect all of your kitchen appliances for any loose connections or frayed cords. If they’re  faulty, then do not use them until they are repaired. Electrical malfunctions can result in a fire or electric shock if you live with faulty appliances.

When your rental home is near power lines, make sure that there’s no damage to the electrical wiring insulation and find out from property management where it is safe to keep outdoor appliances like barbecues.

In order to avoid electrical shocks at your rental home, make sure that you switch off all the power switches in your house before touching any wires and unplugging appliances. Electrical wiring can be a hazard if it’s not fixed properly!

2. Make sure the home is grounded to prevent electric shock

electric shock

To  prevent electric shock, it is extremely important that the home you are living in has a ground system. Electrical systems can be grounded by a wire mesh or pipe buried underground and connected to metal water pipes.

  • Always check for these connections before starting any electrical work around the house. If there isn’t one present, make sure your landlord gets this done before you start any work. Electrical materials can be dangerous when put together incorrectly or without grounding, so it is important to make sure the house/outlet where you are working at is grounded before beginning your project
  • The ground wire prevents electric shock by providing a return path for electricity in case of accidental contact with an energized system. Electrical systems without grounding are especially hazardous because if you get shocked by the current, it has nowhere to go and can cause a fatal heart attack
  • It is also important that your outlets have ground wires as well. Electrical sockets should always be grounded before using them for any electrical work. Electrical plugs with three prongs (grounded) have two holes for grounding screws, one on each side. Electrical plugs with two prongs (ungrounded) have only one hole for a ground screw.

3. Report any damaged wiring, faulty circuit breakers, or loose connections to your landlord immediately

If you noticed any electrical problems in your home, it’s important to report them right away. The main reason for this is that it’s possible for the issue to get worse over time and result in a major fire. Electrical problems should be reported right away so your landlord can have an electrician come out and check things out.

We hope you’ve found our tips for electrical safety at rental homes helpful. Please take a moment to share this post with your friends and family, as it could help them avoid an accident in the near future. And don’t forget to learn something new from this post by exploring some of our other blog posts on how to keep yourself safe while living in rented properties!

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